Building Your Child's Financial Foundation

1. Take the First Step
A child's first bank account is up there with first steps and first words (at least we think so). Bring in your child's piggy bank to show your child how to save for the future.

2. Insure Yourself & Your Child
Nobody wants to think about death and disability, but everyone with kids should at least learn how life and disability insurance can protect your family from major financial risks. Our insurance agents can explain the different types of insurance, without the hard sell. We'd love to introduce you.

3. Begin Savings for Major Expenditures
Planning for college expenses, the purchase of a car or other major expenditures is easier when started early but complicated later in life. We'll show you account strategies and allow you to pick the one that best fits your needs.

4. Teach Money Management
As your child enters middle school, open a joint checking account, and teach your child how to budget and track money. Their first job's paycheck may link to this account as well.

5. Help Chart Your Child's Financial Future
When your child is going to college or stepping out on their own, they may need help navigating their financial future. We have resources and tools to help them on their way.